Beijing Life Science Research Institute has entered the world for only 6 years

"In terms of research funding, human and technical resources, and scientific research services, our conditions are no less than the best research institutes in developed countries." Wang Xiaodong, director of the Institute of Life Sciences, said.

"I haven't seen such an influential institute built in such a short time in the world," said Nobel Prize winner Wessel.

Less than six years after its official listing, it has become a world-class. The successful experience in the construction of the Beijing Institute of Life Sciences (hereinafter referred to as “the Institute of Life”) is expected to be promoted. The "Opinions on the Special Talent Zone for Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone in Zhongguancun National Demonstration Zone" jointly issued by the central ministries and commissions and the city recently pointed out that the experience of the Institute of Life Sciences will be summarized, and research institutions in areas such as low-carbon and information technology will continue to raise academic standards. , Strive to achieve world-class standards.

In early 2003, Wang Xiaodong, who is only 40 years old, is a tenured professor at Dezhou University and a researcher at the Howard Hughes Institute. He is also the youngest member of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States. Occasionally, he saw a notice of the world's top recruiting scientists. The recruitment conditions were very attractive. The introduction of personnel was evaluated by experts. During the five-year contract period, the director and lab director’s research and employment were not subject to any administration. Intervention and assessment of interference; life does not need to obtain funds through project declarations, the city provides 30 million yuan each year in research funding, the Ministry of Science and Technology also has annual funding support; the director of annual salary of 1 million yuan, the laboratory director of 300,000 to 500,000 yuan ... ...

It is completely unrestricted by the old Chinese scientific research system! Wang Xiaodong vaguely saw the prospect of world-class research institutes. This is exactly the original intention of life, which is to explore a model that is very different from the traditional scientific research system and create an “abroad” academic environment.

In that selection, overseas scholars enrolled enthusiastically. A scientific steering committee consisting of 24 well-known scientists at home and abroad, including 6 Nobel Laureates, is responsible for the interview selection. The selection criteria do not consider the background of elite teachers, and whether talents have world-class standards, and whether they have the potential for scientific research.

“Although the treatment does not reach the same level as the United States, it does not lose the minimum standard taught by the United States; working conditions exceed that of the United States; the most important thing is that the development of individual careers is better than anywhere. I apply for the director to consider doing things. "Wang Xiaodong said. In the end, Wang Xiaodong won the position as the director of more than 250 overseas scholars, and together with over 20 top overseas scientists selected, he established 24 laboratories.

"Even in the United States, many laboratories often resort to funding for charitable funds and companies, and at least 2 million R&D funds per year for laboratories at the Institute of Life are in full and on time. Overall, research funding, With regard to human and technical resources and scientific research services, our conditions are no less than the best research institutes in developed countries, said Wang Xiaodong.

The performance of life proved the claim of Wang Xiaodong. In the year of formal listing in 2005, there were only 2 papers published in the world's top academic journals. The number of articles published in 2010 surged to 44 and monographs were published. Life was rated by the United States as one of the agencies with the most research strength in the world. "The research team like life is rare in the United States," said Wesser, chairman of the Life Steering Committee and Nobel Prize winner Wessel. "I haven't seen such an impact built in such a short period of time in the world." Institute of Research."

The personnel and scientific research policies of the Institute of Life will not be the case. The city will summarize the life experience of construction institutes and promote the research institutions in some fields to meet world-class standards. At the same time, efforts will be made to create a research and academic environment with dynamic development, establish a system of modern scientific research institutes, expand the autonomy of research institutes in the use of personnel and the use of scientific research funds, and provide high-level talents with a good platform and environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in Zhongguancun.

Hoisting Mechanism And Spare Parts

A Tower Crane has three main mechanisms, that is hoisting mechanism, slewing mechanism and trolleying mechanism.

Hoisting Mechanism and Spare Parts mainly include Tower Crane Lift Motor ( Tower Crane Hoist Motor ), Tower Crane Axial Fans, Tower Crane Hoisting Reducer, Winding Drum, Steel Wire Rope , Safety Brake and other related spare parts. The mechanism has the advantage of compact structure, stable operation, low noise and long service life, ect.

Other spare parts for tower crane: Steel Structure ( Mast Section , Fixing Angle , Anchorage Frame ,etc.), Tower Crane Cabin , Load Moment Indicator , Tower Crane Telescoping Hydraulic System, Tower Crane Gear , Brake Disc , Wire Rope, Tower Crane Power Cable, Electric Parts , Tower Crane Pulleys , Tower Crane Control Console

Hoisting Mechanism,Tower Crane Lift Motor,Tower Crane Axial Fans,Tower Crane Hoist Motor, Tower Crane Hoisting Reducer